Welcome to www.mathematicalpie.com
The purpose of this site is to share a collection of old Mathematical Pie magazines with students and teachers of Mathematics, or anyone else who has an interest in the subject. These magazines contain a diverse selection of articles and puzzles relating to Mathematics, and issue Number One appeared in 1950. But, of course, the subject is timeless!
I am grateful to a number of people over the last few years who have contributed magazines that have now brought the collection up to over 100 issues. They include Bernard Cook, who gave to me the initial selection of old issues, whilst we were colleagues in the Mathematics Department of the local F.E. college. Others subequently filled in the gaps, or supplied better copies, they include Paul Weighill, Louise Grogan, Rob Cairns, Guy Martland, Malcolm Drewett, and John Nicholson whose contribution took the collection up to issue 102. I have now completed the upgrading of the site to include pdf files for all of the magazines, 102 issues! This will facilitate better reading of the magazines. For each issue click on 'Print Booklet' to open Adobe Acrobat Reader, then with A4 paper, print double sided and you can produce the A5 booklet copy of the magazine. My thanks, also, to Nigel Collins, son of Roland Collins, one of the founders of the magazine back in 1950. You can see the details, supplied by Nigel, relating to the history of the publication by clicking on the links below. New feature, you are now just 4 clicks away from downloading all 102 magazines as pdf files that may be printed, click on any of the buttons below: Some important tips when printing the magazines: